Recently I read the following quote that made me take a good, hard look at my life and how I live it out:
"On every levle of life, from housework to heights of prayer, in all judgement and efforts to get things done, hurry and impatience are sure marks of the amateur." ~ Evelyn Underhill
Hurry and impatience are marks of the amateur! In our society they seem to be the marks of the pro, the more you can cram in a day...the more impatient and demanding your are..the more you accomplish...the better you are...right? There is a cost to all of this rushing around. The still, small moments, the true blessings in life, are lost in our daily hustle and bustle.
Consider the sunrise. The sun does not rise into the sky in a matter of seconds screaming, "I'm late!!! I have so much to do today! Get out of my way!!!!" No, the sunrise is a beautiful gift from God. The sun rises slowly - unfolding a beautiful display of colors as it ascends the heights of the sky. It is like the unwrapping of a gift...the gift of another day from God to us.
How will you spend this day?
Blessings ~ Karlee