Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"My Soul Magnifies the Lord"

(Today we find ourselves in Luke 1:46, the beginning of the Song of Mary.  Mary knows that she is carrying the Mesiah and has gone visit Elizabeth.)

Mary says: "My soul magnifies the Lord!" Wow!  We can learn a thing or two from Mary...

When she saw Elizabeth - Mary did not say:
     "My back hurts."
                  "I had to leave home and travel far."
                              "I cannot do this."
She did not focus on her self or her weaknesses, she magnified the Lord's greatness!

When we are called to do something we often focus on our weaknesses and shortcomings and end up talking ourselves out of doing what we are called to do.  Instead, let's turn our eyes from ourselves to Christ.  Let's magnify the Lord and trust in His strength to bring us through what we are called to do!

Ask yourself today: How can I magnify the Lord in all I say and do?

Sidenote: The very hairs on our heads our numbered (Matthew 10:30).  If God knows all the hairs on our heads, he also knows all of our weaknesses and ALL OF OUR UNDISCOVERED POTENTIAL!!!  Trust in Him.